TVLine is reporting some big news regarding the upcoming Supergirl television show coming to CBS. The site is claiming that Helen Slater, the original Supergirl that graced screens in the 1984 film of the same title and Dean Cain, most notable for his portrayal as Superman himself in the wildly popular television show Lois & Clark will be joining the cast of the television Supergirl in some capacity. I can still remember getting together with the whole family to watch Lois & Clark during the shows heyday, in those pre-internet days.

While we don’t know what roles they will play, this isn’t beyond the scope of what the team has done before, most recently on The Flash, bringing back the original series’ cast in important roles. It’s a nice tribute that acknowledges the history of these characters and helps open up this previous shows/films to new audiences. We can’t wait to find out who these two will be playing if this deal comes to pass.