CBS passes on ‘How I Met Your Dad’

Sad news for all you How I Met Your Mother fans out there in internet land. As most people know CBS requested a spinoff to their popular series in the form of How I Met Your Dad, and had even gone as far as shooting a pilot for said spinoff.

CBS saw the pilot and asked for a redo, something that is not uncommon among networks with new shows. Producers on the new show did not feel a reshoot was necessary and when they learned that even by doing a reshoot the show wasn’t guaranteed to be picked up by the network, they decided to cut their losses and say bye bye to CBS.

CBS President Nina Tassler gave a statement to the media early Wednesday morning.

“There were elements on the pilot that didn’t work out… We tried to work out about redoing the pilot. That’s not happening right now. Sometimes you run into these kind of issues and you hope they can resolve themselves in that time frame.”

But this is not necessarily the end for How I Met Your Dad, as the producers have it in their contract to option the show to other networks if CBS passed on the show (CBS has until the end of the day to change their minds.)

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I can assure you that all the other networks are keeping a close eye on this situation, as How I Met Your Mother was a huge ratings darling for CBS for many, many years and still has a strong following.

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