Orange Is the New Black: “Turn Table Turn”
“Turn Table Turn” was, in most respects, a pretty good episode of Orange Is the New Black. We got a good flashback, some disturbing developments at Litchfield, and some evolution within relationships…..
“Turn Table Turn” was, in most respects, a pretty good episode of Orange Is the New Black. We got a good flashback, some disturbing developments at Litchfield, and some evolution within relationships…..
It seems as though Game of Thrones has finally solved its finale problem. For several seasons of the show’s run, the finale has been unable to live up to the over-the-top penultimate….
Orange Is the New Black doesn’t quite break its streak with “Friends in Low Places” – it’s still better than “We’ll Always Have Baltimore” – but it can be frustrating at….
The economy with which Orange Is the New Black arrived at the first stage of Piper’s comeuppance is indicative of how well-oiled this storytelling machine has become. In just a few episodes,….
“Piece of Sh*t” does a damn good job at examining why its title character, Joel Luschek, is so troublesome. Many viewers, myself included, would count Luschek among their favorite characters….
“We’ll Always Have Baltimore” is of several different minds. While not a bad episode, strictly speaking, this is the most scattered installment so far of Orange Is the New Black‘s fourth….
Here’s my problem with drug trips in TV or film: none of it is actually happening. It’s my same complaint about dream sequences and hallucinations. Since none of it is real, per….
I was right, wasn’t I? I’m always right. Orange Is the New Black got dark with “Doctor Psycho,” and the show was better for it. Where “Power Suit” and “(Don’t) Say Anything” were significantly….
“The Battle of the Bastards” is such a ludicrously big episode of Game of Thrones that it begins the best GoT episodes end: Tyrion gets off some solid quips, Grey Worm gets in a satisfying….
Let’s get the obvious out of the way first: yes, Orange Is the New Black is rushing the Brooke/Poussey relationship. Does that matter, if the relationship works? I mean, yes and no…..
Man, Orange Is the New Black is really reaching deep into its roster for flashbacks, isn’t it? I guess the writing was on the wall when we saw Chang’s flashback last season,….
Orange Is the New Black pulled off an amazing feat of storytelling in its last season. It made Piper Chapman interesting (has she ever been more engaging than when she got….