13 Reasons Why: “Tape 4, Side A”
“There’s all kinds of ways to feel lonely.” 13 Reasons Why, at its best, can be pretty devastating. A terrific episode like “Tape 1, Side A” does a remarkable job….
“There’s all kinds of ways to feel lonely.” 13 Reasons Why, at its best, can be pretty devastating. A terrific episode like “Tape 1, Side A” does a remarkable job….
Margaux and I finally get to review a show we actually like, Better Call Saul. Trevor: One of the pleasures of watching Better Call Saul – besides the acting, plotting,….
“Maybe there aren’t any good kids.” 13 Reasons Why has an incredibly strong hook, one that promises to pay devastating dramatic dividends. Thirteen tapes, each a piece of a mosaic….
“I don’t wanna help. I wanna hurt.” The cruelest, and smartest, aspect of 13 Reasons Why is that it lets us get to know (and, most often, come to like)….
“Have you ever wondered what it’d feel like to watch someone?” Social media is scary. It’s given everyone a personality and an existence outside of their own, and it can….
“You never know how something’s gonna hit someone.” In a lot of ways, 13 Reasons Why is harder for me to watch as a grown man, and not someone the same….
“Maybe you didn’t even realize you were being cruel.” The problem with having a premiere as good as that of 13 Reasons Why is that a followup episode is all….
Margaux and I bid farewell to another frustrating, inconsistent season of The Walking Dead. Trevor: How typical of The Walking Dead to play it so safe when it needed to….
“Can I play you a tape?” Some shows live or die on their premises alone – look how bad The Walking Dead has gotten now that walkers have taken a back….
The Walking Dead is almost over, and Margaux and I are suffering from a bad case of senioritis. Trevor: This fuckin’ show, I swear to God. Just when it makes….
Marvel’s Iron Fist has long-since established that it takes place in a comic-book alternate universe, but “Under Leaf Pluck Lotus” begins by ramping that up to almost campy levels. I….
Consider the first scene of “Eight Diagram Dragon Punch,” easily the best episode so far of the (still mostly lackluster) Marvel’s Iron Fist. In a lot of ways, this opening….