Hail Hydra! Captain America reveals he’s always been a Hydra agent
“Hail Hydra!” are words we never expected to hear from Captain America, but there you go. In “Captain America: Steve Rogers #1” that is on comic books shelves today, Captain….
“Hail Hydra!” are words we never expected to hear from Captain America, but there you go. In “Captain America: Steve Rogers #1” that is on comic books shelves today, Captain….
Parents wondering how to keep their children engaged in summertime learning should consider their laptop computer or video game console, said a Purdue professor in the College of Education. Bill Watson,….
Today, Bob Dylan, the best songwriter in the history of music, turns 75. It’s impossible to sum up a career that has spanned over fifty years, let alone condense it….
NECA is bringing two amazing looking Comic-Con exclusive sets of TMNT figures to the convention this summer. From the classic Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 4-player arcade game, NECA will have 4-figure box sets….
The NHL playoff are going on right now, and while I don’t know much from the sport past Blades of Steel on the NES, someone at the Tampa Bay Lightning sure knows….
Mass Effect has gone into the larger mainstream by being turned into a theme-park ride at California’s Great America. As a California native it’s weird to me, living in the….
After months of speculation, BBC Worldwide North America announces Doctor Who’s Twelfth Doctor Second Sonic Screwdriver will go on sale beginning today, Thursday, May 12th, shipping exclusively in the U.S…..
The Sega Dreamcast is a much beloved video game console that if you listened to people on the internet, has no bad games and is the GREATEST CONSOLE EVAR! Sure,….
Margaux and I take a look back at The Walking Dead‘s incredibly uneven sixth season and try to make sense of the whole thing. (Warning: profanity. Like, all the profanity.) Trevor: What….
Have you ever wanted to attend the greatest pop culture event in the world Well, Dark Horse Comics is now giving you the chance to party in style at San….
Wrestling is full of characters that have not only stood the test of time, but broke through into mainstream culture. But for every Hulk Hogan and Macho Man there are….
They say that the third times a charm, but they also say three strikes and you’re out. The story of the Coleco Chameleon falls into the latter category, but many….