Plan Your Perfect Date, And We’ll Reveal Which Of These Actors Is Your Celebrity Soulmate!
Find your perfect silver screen date by planning a full day of romance for the two of you with the quiz below!
Find your perfect silver screen date by planning a full day of romance for the two of you with the quiz below!
It’s the weekend, so that means it’s time to take things down a notch here at the site. And what better way than to have a little fun by taking….
Times sure have changed! And as times change so does the price for a lot of things we take for granted. Inflation is a bitch.
Everyone love s a good movie, but how much do you know about the very best movies? Let’s dive into a little Academy Awards fun by looking at the 7….
It’s May the 4th and that means everyone from your parents to politicians, to even celebrities are professing their love of Star Wars. Not sure where they are the other….
Are you more a Pac-Man or a Frogger? Or perhaps you have some Space Invaders in your blood? The later sounds like the premise to a terrible Adam Sandler film,….
The original Jurassic Park is one of the best films ever made. It’s so good that even after all these years the film still holds up. A lot of this….
The Assassin’s Creed movie is out in theaters doing, err, things. While it might not be video game adaptation that people have been wanting (never going to happen by the….
Christmas might be behind us, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a good time to watch a little Die Hard. Not only is it the best Christmas movie, it’s probably….
With Rogue One doing gangbusters in theaters, it’s time to test all that Star Wars knowledge that is floating around in your head. Take you best stab at this ultimate….
Okay, so maybe we are exaggerating a little bit, but this Star Wars quiz is pretty tough, even for serious fans! Take it for yourself below and find out.
Halloween is here and people are out sporting their very best in scary and unique costumes. Before you call it a night why don’t you take this little quiz and….