Black Widow and Elektra’s Stunt Doubles Fight for Fun
It’s a “who would win” sort of thing. Quite frequently, we forget that there are often a number of stunt doubles involved in any action film. And not just for….
It’s a “who would win” sort of thing. Quite frequently, we forget that there are often a number of stunt doubles involved in any action film. And not just for….
Dude, The Emoji Movie is not worth committing suicide over! This one’s exactly what it says on the tin. TJ Miller has, by all appearances, taken the response to The….
Yeah, well, I’m gonna go build my own streaming service, with blackjack, and hookers. In fact, forget the service. Have you ever caught yourself thinking, “I sure do wish fewer….
If you focus really hard, you can probably see the looping. Guardians on the Galaxy Vol. 2 is headed to home video soon, and EW managed to get hands on….
Best Picture: Cavalcade The Other Nominees: 42nd Street; A Farewell to Arms; I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang; Lady for a Day; Little Women; The Private Life of Henry VIII; She Done Him Wrong; Smilin’ Through; State Fair….
New Animated Movie Featuring Ash and Pikachu’s Origin Story Coming to Cinemas Worldwide as a Limited Theatrical Release on November 5 and 6, 2017. The new animated film Pokémon the Movie:….
Hopefully this time they don’t run out of ink. Look, I like plenty of Gainax’s stuff. But Evangelion is not really one of them. It always struck me as a….
They all float down here… The one problem with the previous IT trailer? Pennywise didn’t talk. That’s been remedied. The new version of IT is definitely playing closer to Stephen….
Amazing what a bit of color can do, eh? Look, I genuinely don’t like crapping on the DC movies. Mostly because I actually want them to be good. I’m not….
Now THIS is podracing. Recently a number of scientific journals were subject to a sting. One of Galactic proportions, as a matter of fact. One brave hero of the rebellion….
Best Picture: Grand Hotel The Other Nominees: Arrowsmith; Bad Girl; The Champ; Five Star Final; One Hour with You; Shanghai Express; The Smiling Lieutenant It’s easy to see the appeal of Grand Hotel, and easy to see why, in the….
Dust off your POGs and get ready for some Crossfire. Little was shown of Captain Marvel at SDCC this year. But they did give us a few little tidbits. Chiefly,….