Catch the Rise of the Tomb Raider gameplay demo from Gamescom

Rise of the Tomb Raider

We got to see some footage from Rise of the Tomb Raider behind closed doors at E3 and it looked… well, it looked like the last game if I’m being perfectly honest with you all. Sure, it was a whole lot prettier, but nothing they showed at the time had me clamoring for a pre-order.

Now that Gamescom is over and done with, the Xbox YouTube account has uploaded 13 minutes from Rise of the Tomb Raider that was part of the demo they were showing off. It’s more of the same for the franchise, which if you liked the last game isn’t a bad thing, but the demo did give us a pretty laugh out loud moment. Miss Croft was exploring a tomb (how weird is that) and came across an ancient looking painting. Upon inspect the relic Lara had her Greek rating upped by +15, because we all know that’s how learning Greek works!

Also, while the game looks really pretty, I can’t help but feel taken out of the entire experience as Lara’s hair seems to always defy gravity and all known laws of physics.

You can check out the full demo below for yourself. Are you excited about the next installment of the Tomb Raider franchise? Are you happy that Lara is actually raiding some tombs this time around? Let us know in the comments.

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