Cat Quest is Coming to Nintendo Switch

It is Paw-sitivley re-mew-ed. I’m sorry, I’ll see myself out.

Cat Quest had a pretty good launch on PC and PS4. So, much like Owlboy, it’s moving to consoles-er, a new console. The Nintendo Switch, specifically.

Set in the world of Felingard, Cat Quest sends you on an epic journey to defeat Drakoth, an evil cat-lord who destroyed your boat and catnapped your sister. He is as pawerful as he is meowsterious however, and in order to rescue your pawr sister, you must realize your destiny as the last of the Dagonblood, a long-lost race of dragonslaying cats.

With the help of a guardian spirit named Spirry, take on challenging monsters and build your strength through levelling up your spells and acquiring mew loot!

So now, you can take your Cat Quest on the go. Cat Quest’s Nintendo Switch release is set for November 10 this year.

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