Case Lets You Play (Very) Old Games on the Back of Your iPhone


Party like it’s 1999. Again.

Ahh, there was a time where every phone had Snake on it. A time where displays were crap tier resolution and everything ran on what would today be considered a potato. And now, an iPhone case will allow you to experience all of that once again.

Wanle’s Gamer’s Console case sticks a small gamepad and screen on the back of your phone. The screen is one of those old, segmented LCD deals like you’d see on cheap electronics back in the day. So, in a way, it’s actually sub-Game Boy. But it does have about 10 games, including Snake and Tetris, so you’ll have something to do when your phone battery dies. Because the case itself has it’s own battery (a cr2032 battery, specifically) and doesn’t draw off of your phone.

And, importantly, for the next 23 hours and some change, it’s only going to cost you $25 (it’s normally $80, apparently). While this is literally Wanle’s only product since they sprouted up in January, you might have a few misgivings. But you can’t really beat that promotional price.

Source: Gizmodo

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