Captain Action Cat #2 Review

For a comic geared for the yonder demographic, Captain Action Cat #2 is surprisingly full of content. I’d dare to say that it gives readers a deeper and more satisfying read than many major releases have been seeing. If you have been looking at a comic book to read alongside your kid(s) then you are definitely going to want to dive into this one head first as there is a great to to love within its pages.

Captain Action Cat #2 follows up directly after the events of issue #1, but if you haven’t read that one don’t worry as the book does a fair job of catching you up while moving the story forward. When you boil everything down, you end up with a time traveling tale seeing multiple incarnations of Action Cat. This isn’t some Days of Future Past adventure though, instead we get to see the crazy antics that time traveling has with the people Action Cat meets along the ways.

Captain Action Cat #2 1
Nailed it!

We get heroes from different eras of comic book history. We see Action Cat during The Golden Age, a Silver Age Action Cat, and of course the Modern Day Action Cat. With this being a time travel story there is an awful lot to digest, even for an adult. What makes this story work is in the way in which it deals with the issue at hand. The time travel plot point is just an excuse to have a lot of fun with history and a way to bring in some unexpected cameos from other publishers.

In a turn that is sure to please adults, the Action Cat team ends up in the modern-day teaming up with two characters that you would never expect. For kids reading the book, the inclusion of The Ghost (Dark Horse) and X (Dark Horse) will make for a number of laughs as the cats interact with real people. For those Dark Horse fans of a certain age, you’ll be excited to see two very serious anti-heroes be injected with new life.

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Captain Action Cat #2 2
True story, bro.

Captain Action Cat#2 looks fantastic, so soon as you see this book on shelves you’ll quickly be taken in by the incredible artwork of Art Baltazar. You get the feeling right away that you are seeing something special, the kind of book that looks and flows more like a high quality TV series. Seriously, after reading the first two issues it’s beyond me how this hasn’t been picked up by a network for their cartoon programming block. Baltazar also has writing duties here and makes great use of combing both talents. He manages to weave something as deep and convoluted as time travel and make it easily digestable.

I really can’t praise this book enough and I highly recommend you put this one on your pull-list for your family. I also appreciate the subtle nod to the original Captain Action (Look up his history online, it’s great) the book sneaks in. It’s a really enjoyable read with fantastic artwork that is sure to please comic fans both young and old. The book daily has a lot more content than many other books realized so you won;t be dissapointed. And while you’re out be sure and pick up issue #1 as well.

Captain Action Cat #2
Price: $3.99
Covers: Art Baltazar
Writer: Art Baltazar, Franco and Chris “ZOD” Smits
Art: Art Baltazar
Publisher: Dynamite

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