Capcom Suffers Ransomware Attack Claiming 1TB Of Data; Hackers Want $11 Million In Cryptocurrency


That’s a lot of pizza.

Earlier in the week, news got around that Capcom had their internal systems hacked. And now the other shoe has dropped; word has gotten out that they were hit by the Ragnar Locker ransomware, which designed to remove data from internal systems and encrypt all of it, locking the owners out.

This news was broken by Bleeping Computer, who managed to get into the sample (proof of the hack sent to the party to be extorted, in this case, Capcom) which included the following note:

We have BREACHED your security perimeter and get access to every server of company’s Network in different offices located in Japan, USA, Canada. 
So we has DOWNLOADED more than 1TB total volume of your PRIVATE SENSITIVE Data, including: 
-Accounting files, Banking Statements, Budget and Revenue files classified as Confidential, Tax Documents
-Intellectual Property, Proprietary Business information, Clients and Employees Personal information (Such as Passports and Visa), Incidents Acts  
-Corporate Agreements and Contracts, Non-Disclosure Agreements, Confidential Agreements, Sales Summaries
-Also we have your Private Corporate Correspondence, Emails and Messanger Conversations, Marketing presentations, Audit reports and a lot of other Sensitive Information 

If NO Deal made than all your Data will be Published and/or Sold through an auction to any third-parties


The hackers are demanding ~$11 million in cryptocurrency according to malware researcher Pancak3. This is roughly similar to another Ragnar Locker attack against Campari, which demanded around $15 million of the beverage company. And per MalwareHunterTeam, that’s not a coincidence.

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Capcom has not made any statements on the issue.

Source: PC Gamer

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