Capcom shutting down Puzzle Fighter mobile

The world of mobile games is a fickle mistress. Publishers are only looking to turn a quick profit and if they don’t get that they pull the plug a neck-snapping speed.

Capcom’s Puzzle Fighter will pulled from stores on July 1st. The servers for this online game will stop working on July 31, so you still have a little bit of time to play with your friends.

The game will shut off all in-app purchases this coming Monday (Apr. 23), but if you have the in-game money that the game uses you’ll be able to keep using it until the game shuts down.

It really sucks that Capcom is shutting down a game they pushed so hard, and one that fans really wanted to see, they are at least making characters Regina, Dr. Wily, and Ada Wong free until the game shuts off. They are also tossing everyone 10,000 in-game credits to go nuts with.

I don’t know the reasoning for the game being shuttered, but it probably has something to do with low in-app sales of characters and current. What’s strange is that just a few weeks back we got word of that Puzzle Fighter was listed for release on PC and consoles.

Capcom Game Studio Vancouver , the team behind the title, has be shifted over to now focus on projects surrounding the Dead Rising franchise.

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