CAPCOM reveals identities of the two characters from the Street Fighter 2 intro

Street Fighter 2

For the longest time the two characters that appear in the intro for Street Fighter 2 have been a mystery. Most fans of the series –myself included– have stuck to the idea that the two dudes were Cody from Final Fight and Mike from the original Street Fighter. It made sense as Final Fight was originally supposed to be the sequel to Street Fighter but was deemed to different. The other guy was tagged as Mike because a similar character appeared in the first Street Fighter and made for a neat throwback.

It looks like years of silence have been broken by Capcom, and with that a number of theories debunked, including the ones I mentioned above. It turns out that these two guys have been confirmed to be Max and Scott. I’m sure that wasn’t always the case, but Capcom needed to flesh out the Street Fighter story somehow, and why make new characters when you already have some right in front of you.

No world on if these two will appear as DLC for Street Fighter 5. but they do have their own character cards that point to some sort of inclusion into the story mode of the game. Said story mode is an expansion to the base game and will release June 5th, because why release a full game when you know people will throw money at you anyways.

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Check out the characters below:

Street Fighter II intro characters

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