Canceled DICE Game Hardcore Finally Sees Light of Day


All thanks to Analogue’s Mega Sg.

Sometimes, games just don’t get released, even when they’re practically done. And that’s what happened to DICE’s Hardcore. A run-and-gun platform shooter for the Sega Genesis/Mega Drive, Hardcore was 99% completed when it was shelved in 1994. And it stayed that way for over two decades, with the only remaining copy of the source code stored on a now dead hard drive.

That’s where Analogue stepped in. They got hands on the hard drive, and were able to recover, and finish, Hardcore. Analogue, known for their Super Nt SNES retro clone, is doing the same for the Genesis/Mega Drive in the Mega Sg. And, since the recovery of Hardcore is a big deal, it’s coming pre-loaded on every Mega Sg.

We’re dedicated to preserving this piece of video game history and Hardcore is included digitally on each Mega Sg system.

Original Description: In 1994, Digital Illusions (DICE) canceled a AAA, 99% complete Sega Genesis game called Hardcore. For 23 years Hardcore has gone unreleased. It has become one of the most sought after unreleased video games. We’re thrilled to announce that Hardcore is being released for the first time ever on Mega Sg. The only known source code of the game was stored on a single, dead hard drive that was barely recovered. Hardcore is a fast paced, euro-style run’n’gun, space base thriller. We’re dedicated to preserving this piece of video game history and Hardcore is included digitally on each Mega Sg system. Mega Sg is a reference quality video game system with reference quality video and audio quality. Sega Genesis / Mega Drive is implemented 100% in FPGA, by Kevin ‘Kevtris’ Horton.

The Mega Sg is probably one of the better way play your old Sega library nowadays, too. Aside from having Hardcore (renamed Ultracore for reasons), it also comes with an adapter that allows it to play Sega Master System games. And it’s also compatible with the original Sega CD add on, assuming you still have one of those in working condition. It also outputs video at 1080p, which is hard to top for these sorts of old games.

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The Mega Sg (and, by extension, Ultracore) will be available for purchase in April this year, at a price of $189.99. Pre-orders are currently open.

Source: Variety

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