By The Numbers: Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield

Pokémon Sword and Pokémon Shield are set in Galar, an expansive region with many environments—idyllic countryside, contemporary cities, thick forests, and craggy, snow-covered mountains. It’s also a new Pokemon game meaning everyone in the world is going to be picking it up regardless of its setting.

But with t he games release just around the corner we take a look at what the review world is saying about the game. We guess good things because Pokemon games are simple fun and also because website don’t want to anger Nintendo and get blacklisted from getting early copies.

IGN – 9.3/10

Pokemon Sword and Pokemon Shield are closer to my dream Pokemon RPGs than anything that’s come before.

Casey DeFreitas

Gamespot – 9/10

In collecting, battling, and exploring, Sword and Shield cut out the bloat and focus on what makes these pillars of the Pokemon games so captivating in the first place.

Kallie Plagge

Games Radar – 4.5/5

The story delivers enough twists and turns to keep you guessing, steeped in the kinds of myths and legends that you forget the British Isles are chock-full of.

Sam Loveridge

Game Informer – 8.75/10

Pokémon Sword & Shield are strong first attempts for the series’ full transition to consoles.

Brian Shea

Nintendo Life – 8/10

Pokémon Sword and Shield succeed in bringing some new ideas to the table, but they’re also somewhat guilty of not pushing things far enough. What’s done right is done right, but what’s done wrong feels like it’s come from a decade-old design document.

Alex Olney

EGM – 4/5

The first new-generation Pokémon game to release on a proper home console does not disappoint.

Ray Carsillo

VG247 – 3/5

Pokemon Sword & Shield is all too often a bit disappointing, and in some places actually feels a little unfinished, but it also fully provides that warm, fuzzy feeling that one expects from the series.

Alex Donaldson

Daily Star – 3/5

This isn’t a bad Pokémon game, it just feels like a game that’s struggling to break free of the 3DS – its short length and technical struggles underline that.

Dom Peppiatt

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