Buying An Oculus Go in 2022

We recently picked up an Oculus Go for dirt cheap, but is this early self-contained #VR device still worth snagging in 2022 where the landscape for VR is much, much different?

Sure, we could picked up an Oculus Quest 2 for a couple of hundred bucks, or even buy an Oculus Rift and pair it with a gaming PC, but for most people each of those options require a huge monetary investment for something they might not even enjoy for very long.

Remember, VR is fantastic but it’s not like you can head down to the local Walmart and try out a device to see if it’s for you. It’s the kind of product that looks cool but requires a purchase to see if it’s really for your or the family.

But let’s say, for the sake of example, that you want to try out VR but don’t want to spend a lot of money in case you don’t fall in love with it. The Oculus Go is still a fantastic entry point with a lot of experiences and games still available for free or purchase. But what is the platforms real killer app that would make owning one worth it for those just stepping into VR?

Let’s find out together in this little video feature we put together:

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