Buy RadioShack’s Leftover Crap


Death is but a part of the circle of life. RadioShack, long ailing, is slowly approaching it’s final destination. But, even with one foot in the grave, they want to make you a deal.

For example, steel drawers! Sure, they’re labelled for electrical components, but they’re perfect for any shop or garage. You just need to think with your imagination!

Waterlogged office supplies! Sure, they’re probably not straight enough to write on anymore… but you can cut them into fun shapes and throw them at friends. Be the dumb weeb ninja you’ve always wanted to be for $0.50! Enjoy the smell of mildew!

Metal pegboard racks! Do you own magazines and books? And also live in a poorly decorated house that has pegboards? And/or an abandoned RadioShack? Then these are perfect for you!

Okay… this… this is just kind of sad. I almost feel bad now. Almost.

~Let me know… if you see… a RadioShack~

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