Bryan Cranston cast as Zordon in MMPR movie

Bryan Cranston Zordon

The official Instagram for the upcoming Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie has announced some exciting casting news! It seem that Bryan Cranston will be taking up the role of Zordon (the giant talking head in a tube) for the upcoming film.

It’s some fun news that is sure to add some legitimacy to a silly sort of movie. Fans of the actor will already know that Cranston has some connection to the original series when it first ran here in the United States. The rumors are that he lent his voice talents to one of the series villains while in between gigs.

The mighty #Zordon has officially been cast! Please welcome #BryanCranston to the #PowerRangersMovie – Coming in 2017.

A photo posted by Power Rangers (@powerrangersmovie) on

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