The “I am Bread” Trailer Is Here And It’s As Weird As You Expected

I am Bread

The PC is a wonderful thing, especially when it comes  to out there art project games that have little to no meaning/purpose. Last year we had the wild and wacky “Goat Simulator” (it just recently got an even wilder MMO expansion) and 2015 looks to be the year of the bread with “I am Bread.”

You play as a simple slice of bread of your quest to get yourself toasted. It’s simple, fun, stupid, silly, and imaginative all at the same time. Sure, it may be nothing more than some silly throwaway fun, but platforms like Steam are allowing developers the opportunity to hit niche markets in ways they never could with a console release.  Check out the trailer for yourself below:

Developer/Publisher: Bossa Studios
Platforms: PC, Mac
Genre: Action/Adventure
Price: $9.99
Release Date: December 3 (Early Access)

You can also find out more about Bossa’s secret recipe by heading to

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