Boss fight on the go! Furi coming to Nintendo Switch

Furi is all about the tension of one-on-one fights against imposing opponents over a mysterious quest for freedom. Praised for its unique mix of sword fighting and twin-stick shooting, Furi has been called “supremely stylish and intensely engaging” (Games Radar) and “tight and empowering” (Games™), and has garnered 92% in positive user reviews on Steam. We also really liked the game and you find find our review of the game somewhere on the site. I’d link to it, but I haven’t had my coffee and am cranky.

With its stylish aesthetic and unique character design – by Takashi Okazaki, Afro Samurai’s creator – and its killer soundtrack featuring popular electro musicians Carpenter Brut, Danger and more, the game is a love letter to Japanese action games such as No More Heroes, Metal Gear Solid and Godhand.

“Furi is a game that’s constantly taunting you,” comments Emeric Thoa the game Creative Director. “There is something deeply personal about a boss fight: it’s just you against one opponent. And being interrupted is even more frustrating than losing. But with the Switch, you can take the game and all of its boss fights with you wherever you go.”

This feature-complete Nintendo Switch edition will be available early 2018, including all the content and improvements released so far for Furi.

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