Borderlands Online Announced – For China Only

Borderlands Online

If you are anything like me (god help you if you are) then you went through a litany of emotions while reading that headline. Never in my life have I been so overjoyed and just as quickly saddened then after originally reading the news. Yes, Borderlands Online is a real thing that is coming to the already crowded world of online games, but it’s not coming to you in the foreseeable future.

2k and Gearbox in conjunction with Shanda Games are releasing Borderlands Online for the Chinese market only. It seems that 2K China is heading up the project and it will be a MMORPG style of game that it set to go live sometime in 2015. Playerscan sign up on the official site for entry into the beta when it becomes available, but we don’t know if it will be available for those outside of China (we are trying anyways).

Borderlands Online will be a multi-platform release that will see both PC and mobile versions of the game. As with most MMORPGs the game will be free-to-play and will also feature a number of all new classes to the series. I can’t tell you how happy I am for a new Borderlands, yet how sad I am that we probably won’t ever see it.

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borderlands online

Source: (HardcoreGamer)

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