Bloodshot Reborn #18

After all that fighting and action we saw in the last issue of Bloodshot Reborn, it only makes sense we get a little slower paced issue with more focus on the background story. I understand the need for this issue, but it still left me a little wanting.

“When your series is as good as Bloodshot Reborn an average issue gets reviewed a bit harder because it has a lot to live up to.”

This time the script is very simple with nothing all that remarkable going on. Oh, and it’s about as slow as it can possibly get. I need to say it again: despite understanding why they did an issue like this, it doesn’t necessarily means that it’s something I enjoy. It’s not bad but if I had to sum it up in one world it would be “boring”.

I do think it was a good option to give a little glimpse of the other Bloodshots’ past and what they were all about before ending up on the island. There’s a real good use of history with a mix between fiction and reality. Of all the issues I have with the story and pacing I did enjoy learning about the other “Shots”.

Bloodshot Reborn #18 // Valiant
Bloodshot Reborn #18 // Valiant

I find it difficult to really say anything else about this issue, since you could summarize the whole story in those last two paragraphs. Maybe that doesn’t speak all that well about Bloodshot Reborn #18 as a whole, but it is what it is, and I won’t try to do something I can’t. It just feels like a middling issue.

What I will say is that I hope this is a one-time thing, an easy escape for readers needed a breather. I hope they don’t want us readers to get used to this slower pace when the series is so well known for the action bits. A slow issue like this works every now and then, but Bloodshot really shines when it’s cranked up to eleven.

Artistically, this wasn’t the best issue either. There was an overused blank background, which I find a little disturbing and not a good option for this sort of issue. The script was a little weak so you would hope that the art would bring it up past mediocrity, but that didn’t really happen here.

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The overall style was okay as well as all the inking, which remains as the strongest point of the book. I still do like the coloring and the lettering, and considering how the panels were displayed (pretty messy in my opinion), this was the best way to compensate for it.

Bloodshot Reborn #18 // Valiant
Bloodshot Reborn #18 // Valiant

To be clearer about the panels: I understood their division, but it looks messy at first sight and sometimes you need to read them again to figure out what’s going on. I don’t really know where the main problem is, because I read the whole issue, again, but there’s something not working this time.

However, and despite the fact that it seems like I hate this issue, I think Bloodshot Reborn #18 is actually pretty enjoyable, just less than the past issues. When your series is as good as Bloodshot Reborn an average issue gets reviewed a bit harder because it has a lot to live up to.

And, as I said earlier, maybe this is just a one-time thing, a little filler for the next chapters, which will hopefully be filled with the tension and action we have come to know and love. If I were to guess, I’ll bet for an almost apocalyptic war with these killing machines everywhere. It would also be a good option to bring back Bloodsquirt, but we’ll have to keep reading to see what happens next.

“When your series is as good as Bloodshot Reborn an average issue gets reviewed a bit harder because it has a lot to live up to.”


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