Bloodshot Reborn #15

Bloodshot Reborn #15

I admit that right now I have a bittersweet taste in the mouth because of Bloodshot Reborn #15. That feeling comes from the fact that the story took the most predictable path possible in this issue. Not sure if this was due to a lack of new ideas or something of that nature, but it bothers me just a little.

Now, I’m not saying that the script is bad, as it’s pretty cool and I had a good time reading it, but I must say that it was overly predictable with overused clichés that were’t used last issue. If you’ve read comics for a few years you’ll see what’s coming with every page turn.

In general lines, it’s properly written, with a good sense of action and a little background sprinkled in. I also found Bloodsquirt’s participation in both issues really hilarious as he added a bit on fun. The only real problem I have is the one I already mentioned above, but the rest of the story is solid, interesting, and still makes you wonder will happen next with that ending.

Bloodshot Reborn #15

The characters we met in the past issue start to have more personality here. They look better defined and with a stronger personal voice. It’s easier to see the differences between them and easier to see the backstory in each of them.  I’m also particularly interested in knowing where that dog comes from as it’s an interesting addition to an assassins group.

As for the art, I’m starting to get used to it. It has a very raw style that I’m learning to like, appreciate and identify the work that’s done in every page, although this time it was kind of unremarkable. Bloodshot has a unique look that makes it stand out from other contemporary comics out there.

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What amazed me the most was the contrast between the first pages with the rest of the comic. The use of cold, blue colors first and how everything changed as the book progressed with warm, green tones, like the difference between the inner world in Bloodshot’s mind and the raw reality in the outside. I give major points on this.

Bloodshot Reborn #15

Another positive for this issue is the way that the art and the coloring complement each other. It’s great because sometimes comics look like they were drawn by someone and colored by a different person that didn’t have any notes or contact. This is not the case as we could easily think the same guy was in charge of both things this time.

I still have faith that things will improve in the coming issues, so not everything is lost just because it went for an easy exit for this filler issue. I’m not going to overly judge it because of that and give myself the benefit of the doubt (for now.)

I definitely had a good time reading Bloodshot Reborn #15, despite small issues I found with it, so give it a try to and maybe you’ll like it if you’re into war, military, science fiction or similar topics.

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