Bloodshot Reborn #0 – Review

Publisher: Valiant
Written by: Jeff Lemire
Art by: Renato Guedes
Page Count: 31 Pages
Release Date: March 22 2017
Age Rating: 17+ Only

Bloodshot has been a character I’ve learned to love, although sometimes I do get a tired of him. He represents the cliche hero of classic American action stories: powerful, all-mighty, and martyr, although there are scenes where he breaks this mold. Bloodshot Reborn #0 is half-way between those two sides.

Although the story is predictable and didn’t give many surprises as I thought it might, it does have an interesting enough plot twist, that while a bit overused, I must admit that I didn’t see it coming. It was a nice addition to what seemed to be a story completely intended for male audiences, and the injected emotions and feelings were welcomed.

The script is not the best one I’ve seen from Bloodshot. I needed to stop in the middle because there was something wrong, something that wasn’t working properly. Not that Bloodshot Reborn #0 is bad, but I’ve seen better ways to tell this sort of idea, so, again, it’s between the bothering cliche and the interesting idea, a more than curious duality.

I had no problem getting immersed inside the story in my second reading. Maybe it was because of the time between the last issue I read and this one, or maybe that I’m mostly a night owl, but it definitely got better after that little rest I took. It was easier to enjoy the slow paced story, the interesting new characters and be open to new experiences.

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I’m not sure what to expect for a possible new series after Bloodshot Reborn #0, as I feel like the main idea for this character has already achieved its end, but I also know that Valiant have a great hand for the unexpected, so maybe, just maybe, this open ending is not the last thing we’ll see regarding Bloodshot and his mates.

I think this a simple, enjoyable issue, and while not as remarkable as one would think/expect, you can still be sure that it’s still a goodall around issue. Taking a step back and looking and the bigger picture, having Bloodshot Reborn #0 on its own might be the biggest problem facing it.

If you are coming into this one with a good understanding of Bloodshot and the world building that’s been going on, then you are going to really dig this one. On the other hand, new readers are going to feel like they are missing something.

Final Score:


Bloodshot Reborn #0

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