Blood Bowl: Kerrunch Has Seen How Many Matches?

Blood Bowl: Kerrunch

Cyanide Studios has announced that over 1 million matches have been played on Blood Bowl: Kerrunch, the mobile and tablet variant of Blood Bowl, released just one month ago. We loved Blood Bowl 2 for the Xbox One and the thought of being able to play the game –even in a mobile format– was an exciting proposition. It would seem that many other players felt the same way with the number of games played in the month since its release.

Blood Bowl: Kerrunch pits Human, Orc, Dwarf, Wood Elf or Skaven teams against each other in an ultra-violent version of fantasy American football. The game is simple to jump into with fast paced gameplay that was designed with mobiles and tablets in mind. The game mixes influences from puzzle games, rpgs and sports games. While reviews haven’t been particularly kind to this “free” mobile offering, you can download it for yourself and let us know in the comments what you think.

Tens of thousands of players have already downloaded the game and entered the season mode with 200 matches to win against formidable line-ups from amongst the most renowned of the Blood Bowl world, teams such as the Ironcrag Decimators, the Mittledorf Smashers or the Dwarf Anvils.

If you want to get into a few games Blood Bowl: Kerrunch is available for free on the AppStore and on Google Play.

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