Blizzard Removes Russian Z Symbol From Overwatch’s Zarya Skins


The man with the hat sent us! He told us many amazing stories!

Hey, do you still care about Overwatch and really love the letter Z? Well, then I’ve got some bad news for you, friend. Blizzard has removed the Z from all of Russian character Zarya’s skins. Which just happens to coincide with the recent Anniversary Remix update.

Source: Reddit

Why, you ask? Well, apparently the Z symbol is being used in Russian propaganda to show support for the country’s invasion of The Ukraine. I’ll be damned if I can tell you why. Do I look like I understand Russian? Because I don’t. Good thing somebody else figured it out.

Anyway, Activision Blizzard has long since stopped selling their games or related microtransactions in Russia. They’ve also raised over $300,000 for The Ukraine by matching employee donations 2:1.

Source: IGN

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