Blizzard is recreating Diablo 1 within Diablo 3 & giving us the Necromancer class along with it

There have been rumblings on the internet over the past few weeks about the possibility of fans getting a Diablo 2 remake. While I would have loved that (the game is in my top 5 of all time) that didn’t quite happen when we got new Diablo news via BlizzCon 2016.

What we did get is pretty huge though! Blizzard announced that the original Diablo is being recreated within Diablo 3. That’s right, the entire game that set the PC world on fire is coming via an upcoming update in Diablo 3. Just think how crazy it is that a game changing PC title is being tossed our was as part of an update. Times sure have changed!

The new update will be a free event and will feature just about everything from the original game, just in the new Diablo 3 engine. We will be getting 16 levels as well as the four main bosses from the game. Not only that but a special graphics filter is being implemented so that you can have that classic grainy and pixelated look that was the mid 90’s. Oh, and you’ll even have you characters movement locked to the eight main directions just like is was back then.

Blizzard’s Frank Pearce stated that,

“There will be many secrets to discover as well. If you love Diablo, this anniversary event will be very nostalgic”

Along with this new patch comes some content for Diablo 3 in the form of a new Necromancer class. This new class is being billed as a reimagining of the one from Diablo 2. While not exactly the same, the class will come equipped with a few of the originals abilities including the Bone Spear and Corpse Explosion.

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