Blizzard Is Making BlizzCon Free To Watch For All This Year


Won’t run you $50 this year.

It’s safe to say that the virus of the year really piston-fucked the 2020 event calendar. And that includes, of course, this year’s BlizzCon. So this year (or rather, technically, next year), it’ll be an all-digital affair, streamed over the internet. And the best part is, it’ll be absolutely free. That’s right, in February 2021, BlizzConline will be free for everybody.

Blizzard plans on making the online affair as close to a real BlizzCon as possible through the distancing power of the internet. The usual cosplay, art, and storytelling events ill still happen, as will the March of the Murlocs.

It’s also a safe bet we’ll hear about Overwatch 2 and Diablo 4 at this event. BlizzConline runs February 19-20, 2021.

Source: Engadget

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