Blizzard to Host Destiny 2 on PC

Destiny 2

On the list of surprising things to happen today, this takes the cake. In a bold lateral move, Bungie skipped right over other platforms (including Steam) and have partnered with Blizzard for Destiny 2’s PC release.

Destiny 2 will be hosted on alongside the likes of Overwatch, Hearthstone and Heroes of the Storm. And it will make full use of the platform, too.

Destiny 2 will integrate all of’s current social features. Bungie, however, will be the one to maintain the game’s servers, as well as customer service. Blizzard, however, will handle all Platform related issues.

No word yet on Destiny 2’s release date, but more info will come as the year goes on. In the meantime you can check out the gameplay trailer and get excited.

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