Blazing Chrome Runs and Guns with the Best of Them

Blazing Chrome

An indie game that makes you long for days past.

There was a time where popping a quarter into a Neo Geo machine got you a run of Metal Slug, or whatever the other three games in the cabinet were. Metal Slug games were that indispensable. And that’s pretty much what Blazing Chrome sets out to evoke. Well, that and Contra.

Every year, GDC brings in a host of new games to whet your appetite. But Blazing Chrome is one of the few to hearken back to the days of old quite so well. It seems to play like Contra: Hard Corps, while looking like some long-lost Metal Slug game. And damnit, that makes me want to play it. Even though my Contra muscle memory has long since atrophied.

Most indie “retro” games talk the talk, but this one looks to be walking the walk. That’s something developer Joymasher should take pride in. It’s got everything your 90’s kid self could want: mohawked robots, running and gunning, a story that’s like a more badass version of Terminator‘s vision of the future.

And explosions, can’t do without those. Joymasher is clearly refining their craft, as they’re responsible for the well-reviewed Odallus and Oniken.

I honestly can’t wait for it to come out at this point.

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Sources: PC Gamer, VG 24/7

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