‘Blast Zone! Tournament’ is a Bomberman Battle Royale

Blast Zone! Tournament, a modern take on competitive bomb-throwing arena games, exits Steam Early Access and launches on PS4 and XB1 alongside its full PC release on Feb. 28.

Victory Lap Games, a team of AAA veterans including the director of gameplay programming for Ratchet & Clank 3 and Resistance: Fall of Man fame, deliver an explosive, EDM-fueled esports experience packed to the brim with content.

283 multiplayer maps, a story-driven single player campaign, and more than 10 billion cosmetic options await hopeful Blast Zone! Tournament champions as they fight their way to the top of the leaderboards.

The trailer calls this a ‘Battle Royale’ but it’s just online Bomberman from what I can tell. I guess Bomberman was always that type of game so I’ll let it slide.

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