Black Widow – Official Teaser Trailer Sends Black Widow Home

My question with any Marvel film set anytime before Infinity War is just what the hell Steve Rodgers was doing. Is he just watching it all happen while sipping coffee at Starbucks?

My weird brain aside, here is the first teaser trailer for the upcoming Black Widow movie that looks to fill in the backstory on Natasha and possibly make way for a new Black Widow in the form of her sister.

The trailer itself jumps all over the place in the timeline but we know that the bulk of the story is about Natasha going home, recruiting her family, and finally addressing her past.

Movie seems like a good romp that is a superhero films without all the powers. I sure hope it’s more Winter Solider and less First Avenger. I really want some smaller Marvel films but we know that probably wont happen.

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