The best True Detective theory you’ll ever hear

Now, I haven’t been covering True Detective, because I’m, well, kinda stupid. But in a nutshell, I think it’s the best, most daringly original show on television right now – uncompromisingly bleak and existential. Matthew McConaughey is filling the acting void left by Bryan Cranston.

If you’ve been watching the show – and if you haven’t, get your goddamn priorities in order – you probably have your own theory regarding the identity of the Yellow King. I’ve avoided thinking about it too much, because I’d rather let True Detective knock me on my ass.

But YouTube user Big Meeting has posted a video called “The Yellow King Theory,” and it’s just too damn convincing. Check it out, and prepare to feel stupid.


Remember in episode one, when Rust Cohle said, “Start asking the right fuckin questions”? Well, someone did.

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