Well guys, San Diego Comic-Con 2015 is in the history books. It’s been a blast collecting all these awesome cosplay pictures for you, and I want to thank Miles for taking over once I returned to Denver. See you next year! Or whenever the next big con is, because these galleries are super easy to do and we can write off all the hot dogs we eat as business expenses.
PikachuPsycho (Borderlands)Willy WonkaOberyn Martell (Game of Thrones)Morpheus (The Matrix)Dexter Morgan (Dexter)Princess ZeldaDaryl Dixon (The Walking Dead)
Trevor Dawson is the Executive Editor of GAMbIT Magazine. He is a musician, an award-winning short story author, and a big fan of scotch. His work has appeared in Statement, Levels Below, Robbed of Sleep vols. 3 and 4, Amygdala, Mosaic, and Mangrove. Trevor lives in Denver, CO.