Day one of Denver Comic Con is in the books, so we thought we’d give you a look at the best cosplay we saw all day. Tune in tomorrow and Tuesday, because there are two more days left. Also, we kept a running tab of how many people we saw dressed as Harley Quinn, Deadpool, Dr. Who, and Jayne from Firefly, because you cosplayers are awesome but you need new ideas.
Now on to the tallies. Literally everyone was wearing these costumes, so maybe it’s time to retire them, guys.
Trevor Dawson is the Executive Editor of GAMbIT Magazine. He is a musician, an award-winning short story author, and a big fan of scotch. His work has appeared in Statement, Levels Below, Robbed of Sleep vols. 3 and 4, Amygdala, Mosaic, and Mangrove. Trevor lives in Denver, CO.