Welcome back to our coverage of the awesome cosplay on display at Denver Comic Con. There were lots of original creations on display here, which is pretty impressive. Make sure to check out our gallery of cosplay from day one as well!
Join us tomorrow to check out our final cosplay gallery!
Author’s note: If your picture is here, I definitely gave you a business card. If I mislabeled your costume, or if you have a Twitter/Facebook/Instagram/Tumblr you’d like me to link to, just shoot me an email and I’ll take care of it.
Trevor Dawson is the Executive Editor of GAMbIT Magazine. He is a musician, an award-winning short story author, and a big fan of scotch. His work has appeared in Statement, Levels Below, Robbed of Sleep vols. 3 and 4, Amygdala, Mosaic, and Mangrove. Trevor lives in Denver, CO.