The Best Cosplay of Denver Comic Con (Day 1)

Denver Comic Con is upon us once again, so we get to bring you the best cosplay that the Mile High City has to offer. Make sure to check in the next two days for continuing coverage. Subsequent galleries will probably be more extensive, but I only had a few hours at the convention today because I have a day job and I’m not going to call in sick for you goddamn vultures.





Judge Dredd
Tony Stark
Quailman (Doug)
Inflatable waving-arm tube person
Rick and Morty
Mystery Science Theater 3000
Chell (Portal) and Gordon Freeman (Half-Life 2)
Lorne (Angel)
Ash Williams
Quidditch players (check out the custom robes!)
Green Power Ranger
Villain mash-up. Lots of great detail here – M. Bison, Hydra, Galactic Empire, etc
Flo and the Geico Gecko
Captain Jack Sparrow
Team Rocket
Daredevil and Elektra
Sly Cooper
Fionna and Marcelline (Adventure Time)
Lara Croft
Joyce Byers (Stranger Things)


GAMbIT Bonus!

There were also some cool cars at DCC. Direct your eyes to the cool cars.


Gran Torino (Starsky & Hutch)
Site B jeep (Jurassic Park)
Dorothy I (Twister)


Check back tomorrow and Monday for more awesome cosplay!

Author’s note: if your picture is here and you’re not a car, I definitely gave you a business card. If I mislabeled your outfit, or you have a Twitter/Instagram/Facebook/Tumblr you want me to link to, just drop me an email and I’ll add the link!

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