Ben Affleck Might be Phased Out as Batman

Batman Ben Affleck

Holy rumor mill, Batman!

In all honesty, Ben Affleck’s turn as Batman was probably the best part of Batman vs. Superman. I mean, there’s only so much you can do when you’re playing a version of a character that brands criminals and somehow doesn’t count all the vehicular manslaughter deaths when it comes to his “no killing” ethos. Ah, well, you know what they say; you can’t spell “manslaughter” without “laughter”. But his Bruce Wayne game was pretty good.

Which is why the current rumor going around is so puzzling. Allegedly (according to The Hollywood Reporter), Ben Affleck will be phased out of the Batman role sometime after the Justice League movie. Why they would do that is beyond me. It’s the sort of thing you’d do as damage control if you wanted to make things worse. And while speculation is high, the studio itself maintains that Affleck’s their Batman, leading to a high amount of conflict when it comes to the truth.

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