Everyone’s trying to spin it as an immediate thing, when no timetable is really hinted at.
Rumors have been constantly circulating about Ben Affleck’s departure from the role of Batman. And, I guess that got him thinking about it, himself. As he said in an interview with USA Today:
You don’t do it forever, so I want to find a graceful and cool way to segue out of it.
Which is certainly true. Batman is role you traditionally have for a while, and then eventually transfer out of. The run starting with Tim Burton’s Batman went through 3 different Batmen in four movies. It’s not a role anyone has for a long time, when it comes to film. That said, his portrayal (along with Jeremy Irons as Alfred) was the best part of the otherwise, uh, not-good Batman vs. Superman, so I wouldn’t mind Ben sticking to the role for at least a little longer. Though that may change with the Flashpoint movie, whether we like it or not.