Ben Affleck Debuts Deathstroke For Justice League In New Viedo

The Justice League will be dealing with Steppenwolf in their big screen debut, and while the general public has no idea how he is (many comic books fans don’t either) he isn’t the only baddie to be taking part in the film. Ben Affleck has surprisingly shared a new video from the set of Justice League via his social media accounts. While these little behind the scenes/teaser things aren’t anything new for stars, especially of the superhero genre, they usually don’t come with major spoilers.

The video Affleck shared shows off the DC universes most dangerous assassin, Deathstroke. Deathstroke (aka Slade Wilson) should be familiar to most people, especially fan of the TV show Arrow where he played a major role during early seasons of the show. For those that don’t Deathstoke is a merc (without the mouth) that is enhanced with superhuman like abilities. He wasn’t all that great in the comic books, mostly relegated to a nice run with the Teen Titans, but over the years he’s become Mr. Badass of the DCU, even once defeating the entire Justice League without breaking a sweat. Yeah, sure, why not…

The outfit looks in line with the DC movie universe, and Slade looks pretty darn cool (probably a Snyder mandate), but I have a preference for the Arrow-verse Deathstroke myself. Still it’s interesting to see Slade get the silver screen treatment in such a major project. If anything, it may signal an introduction to the character to eventually be used in the upcoming solo Batman film. Check out the video below:

UPDATE: It is no being confirmed that Deathstroke will be the primary villain in the solo Batman film. It looks like his introduction will take place in Justice League in some form.

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