Bayonetta 3 is a Nintendo Switch Exclusive


First 2 Bayonetta games will also be released for the system.

Get locked and loaded, because Bayonetta 3 is heading to the Switch. The announcement came during the VGA’s this Thursday. And yes, it’s a console exclusive.

But that’s not all. Bayonetta 1 and 2 are also being ported to the Switch. They’ll be sold together in a digital bundle; though 2 will be getting a physical release as well (the first game supposedly comes with it, though one might guess that it’s a similar deal as with RE: Revelations 1&2 where only one fits on the card so you need to download the other to system memory). Both of the older games will release February 16, 2018. Now DarkSydePhil just needs to prepare for all of the bugs (in his own head) the games will “have”.

An elephant never forgets.

Source: Engadget

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