Battletoads Reboot Headed To Xbox One And PC Next Month


Buy the version you can mod, bro. Just trust me.

The time is nigh for you to embrace the ways of the ancients and snap your controller in half in a fit of Turbo-Tunnel-induced rage. Because next month, August 20th to be precise, Battletoads releases on the Xbox One and PC.

Dlala Studios states that the classic Battletoads challenge is intact, but the game will also offer a number of difficulty option, to satisfy those looking for less of a challenge, or my fellow games journalists. The game also supports local co-op (like you’re able to use that given the current problems going on, but hey, at least it’s there) for three players.

Battletoads launches on both Xbox One and PC, on both the Windows Store and Steam. It’s also set to be available on Xbox Games Pass on both Xbox One and PC, and pre-loads are already live.

So make sure you pester your local GameStop about Battletoads. They could probably use the stimulation provided by your calls.

Source: Gamespot

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