Let’s get warty!
You know it; they’ve been exclusive to the Xbox One version of Shovel Knight for a few years, but now you can face off against the Battletoads in the PC version of the game. You know, the Battletoads, the guys that had that failed cartoon pilot:
They also drove GameStop employees up the wall:
The new update lets you face off against the trio in in stages inspired by the original game. You even get some armor and make friends with them by beating them. There’s also some other unimportant crap in the update. By the way, if you play Shovel Knight with your mouse, you should probably just saw your hands off because you’re clearly dedicated to doing everything wrong.
So, get in there and Battletoad it up. And, uh, make sure to call up your local GameStop and pester ask them if they’re doing pre-orders for Battletoads vs. Shovel Knight for the 3DS. For old time’s sake. And this; that was unforgivable.