Battlestar Galactica Deadlock Makes Its Way To Consoles

Releasing on December 8th on PS4 and Xbox One.

Only one month to go and fans around the world will be able to play the “epic Battlestar Galactica strategy game they always wanted” on their PS4 and Xbox One. Battlestar Galactica Deadlock takes you into the heart of the First Cylon War, to fight epic 3D battles that will test your tactical prowess.

Take control of the Colonial Fleet from the bridge of the mobile shipyard, Daidalos, and free the Twelve Colonies from the Cylon threat. Build your fleets, protect the Quorum alliance and prepare to dig deeper into the conspiracies of this heroic conflict.

I can’t remember of any Battlestar game to ever be released, outside of that browser-based MMO thing from a few years back. I’m sure something came out on the old 8-bit computers over in Europe, because everything came out on those things. Let’s just hope for a major console release, Battlestar Galactica Deadlock makes fans of the series happy.

One funny thing to note is that the trailer on the official page of the developer lists the video as EVE Online in the description. Bless your heart YouTube.

The game is set to release on December 8th on the PlayStation Store and Xbox Marketplace.

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