Battle Royale Trainer was Made to Make you Better at PUBG

Battle Royale Trainer

It might not be very good at that, though.

Battle royale is definitely the flavor of the month. It is a little odd, though, since like The Highlander, there can be only one (winner). Which means 99 salty suckers walk away, well, salty, many of them not even getting much of a good game in to salve the wound.

Which, I suppose, is where Battle Royale Trainer (a generic name if ever you saw one) comes in. You often don’t get much opportunity to practice with weapons. Doubly so if you’re among the first to get iced. And while the $4 game doesn’t actually mention PUBG by name, it’s made painfully obvious that that is the game it’s built around.

Unfortunately, judging by the reviews, it’s not exactly great at it. It’s mixed reception seems due to anything from bugs and A.I. problems, to the fact that the recoil isn’t actually the same as it is in PUBG. Which probably keeps it from being as helpful as it wants to be.

On the plus side, it’s fairly cheap. Even if playing another game to get good at a game seems a bit odd.

Source: PC Gamer

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