Battle of Arrow Is All About PVP Archery On Horseback

FourThirtyThree has let us in on their latest mobile shooting game, Battle of Arrow, which is coming soon worldwide to the App Store and to Google Play.

Battle of Arrow is a mobile action arcade game that offers a real-time player-versus-player archery duel. It offers various game modes to suit individual gameplay styles. The player-versus-player mode offers a real-time duel against the best archers from 142 countries around the world.

The raid mode is a real-time party raid that requires extensive collaboration between four players to conquer a boss. The campaign mode offers quick and easy practice for players hoping to reach the next level by earning gold ingots.

In Battle of Arrow, players can do the following:

  • Duel in real-time against archers from all over the world.
  • Choose their favorite items and upgrade their skills to match their best weapons and their favorite styles of gameplay.
  • Customize their skill trees to master skill shots that best suit their preferred style of combat.
  • Enjoy single-player scenarios to level up their characters.
  • Form action squads with friends to defeat raid bosses and claim special items such as costumes! Players are stronger together!

Pre-registration is now available via Google Play; players who preregister for the game will receive a special reward. Fans can preregister for the game here:

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