‘BATMAN: Unmasked’ In-Game Discussion Series Premieres


Hey there Gothamites! With only a few days left before the debut of BATMAN – The Telltale Series, the team behind the game is excited to share  the first episode of their all-new video series Batman: Unmasked.

Hosted by kindafunny.com‘s Greg Miller, Batman: Unmasked is a series of after-show discussions on all things pertaining to the The Caped Crusader’s upcoming action-packed interactive narrative adventure. With special guests that include comic book industry experts, community legends, cast and crew, Batman: Unmasked delves into what makes Bruce Wayne tick, as well as in-depth dissections of each episode of the Telltale series as they release.

In this inaugural episode, Greg talks with ComicVine’s Tony Guerrero, Telltale’s CEO Kevin Bruner, and the game’s Executive Producer, Sean O’Connor. Join them as they discuss the origins of the game, as well as what you can expect in this new five part series.

Be sure to let us know what you think of this first in a series of episodic discussion shows on  TwitterFacebook, or our community forums.

BATMAN – The Telltale Series Episode 1: ‘Realm of Shadows’ premieres digitally worldwide August 2nd on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC/Mac. It will also arrive digitally on PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 later in August. Season Pass Discs for PS4, Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 will become available September 13th along with mobile versions for iOS and Android devices.

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