‘Batman – The Telltale Series’ Coming to Nintendo Switch

You could probably expected this news, but after Telltale fired a ton of staff everything seemed up in the air. Hell, the future of the company is still up in the air.

Award-winning publisher and developer that we are all praying for, Telltale Games has confirmed to us that Batman – The Telltale Series will launch on Nintendo Switch on November 14 in North America and November 17 in Europe and Australia. The full first season will be available both digitally and at retail; both formats will run you $39.99 because it costs a lot to create those digital codes in that huge digital code factory in China…

Fo those not in the know, Batman – The Telltale Series gives players the opportunity to role-play as both Bruce Wayne and Batman in a fresh take on Batman canon. In the series’ opening episode, Realm of Shadows,’ Bruce Wayne is forced to question everything he thought he knew about his identity when he discovers his father was in fact a ruthless crime boss.As both Bruce and Batman, players must negotiate harsh political turmoil and prevent Gotham City from descending into chaos while digging into the truth about the Wayne family’s sordid past.

Batman – The Telltale Series is a standalone product separate from the second season, Batman: The Enemy Within. I know it sounds a little confusing (it was to me), but what are you going to do. Just be aware of that and of what game you are looking to pick up this holiday season.

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