Batman: Arkham Knight delayed until June; New gameplay trailer arrives

Arkham Knight

A twitter announcement from Rocksteady and Warner Bros. Games states that the release date for the final installment in the long running Arkham series, Batman: Arkham Knight is being pushed back until June 23, 2015.

I’m not sure why AAA studios/publishers even announce release dates as they always seem to get pushed back by weeks, or even months. Arkham Knight was originally slated to hit shelves on October 14, 2014, but will now miss that window by 8 freaking months! Man, I know studios that can pump out an entire game in that time.

Arkham Knight
I’ve pretty much guaranteed we aren’t in the press review pool.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m all for pushing the game back to get the best possible experience, but let’s face facts here as there was no way the game was ever going to make that original October deadline. The studio must have known that, but for whatever reason decided to roll with it. Eight months of additional work is no small things and they must have A) been really behind or B) never intended for October to be the date in the first place.

Anyways, the team have released a new trailer to hold us over until June. Check it out below:

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